Documentary Family Photography in Columbus, Ohio

older sister putting lipstick on her younger sister documentary family photography in columbus ohio

I have a new love, and it’s Heart Song slow sessions, which are documentary family photography sessions. I’ve always preferred photography that captures the beauty that exists in real life, as opposed to overly curated and posed sessions.

My style has always been a mix of guided, posed portraiture and candid moments, but I’m finding that taking a stronger documentary approach allows for natural moments to unfold in a manner that does not feel rushed, forced or staged. Curious to know exactly what a documentary family photography session entails, and if it would be a good choice for you? Read on for the deets.

What is documentary family photography?

Well, the answer depends on who ya ask… traditional documentary photography aims to provide a straightforward account of events, with no interaction or guidance from the photographer.

My approach is not quite so strict, as I love to guide people into beautiful light and may make suggestions to either look at the camera or to interact with the person next to you.

I may move distracting elements from the scene or turn on a light - small interferences that keep my sessions from being purely documentary.

It’s with that spirit that I approach my Heart Song sessions: taking the aspects of documentary family photography that I love, and applying them in my own way.

This includes:

Creating in a space that is significant to your family, either your home or a place you love to visit together.

Having a conversation with you beforehand to find out what happens during a typical morning or evening with your family, and using that information to guide your session in a way that is authentic to you.

Moving throughout your home (or location) in a way that is not structured, but providing suggestions (based on information you’ve provided) if things become stagnant.

Taking breaks to play and chat with you and your children, which allows all of us to feel so much more comfortable and genuine.

Staying curious and open to what your children want to do, and capturing the nuances of their moods.

Always, always, always trying to capture the beautiful and intimate moments that are unfurling before me.

While it’s not the focus of my documentary family photography sessions, I DO think it’s important to have traditional portraits made of your family, and of each member in the family, so I take time during the session to capture these as well - typically at the end, when everyone feels most connected with me and the kids have settled down enough to relax into a “posed” portrait. This ends up being about ten minutes of your total session.

How long does a Heart Song slow session last?

Roughly 90 minutes, which seems to be the sweet spot for getting everyone comfortable and relaxed without taking up too much of your day. That said, sometimes we wrap up a little sooner and other times we go a little longer, depending on the day ;)

Interested in learning more about documentary family photography sessions in Columbus, Ohio, or booking one for yourself? Hit the button below and let me know!


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